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  • To fulfill the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HACCP (Codex Alimentarus requirements), BRC, IFS, KOSHER and HALAL standards for "Quality and Safe Products".
  • To manufacture our products to meet the nutritional needs of the consumers in a healthy and balanced way without sacrificing taste.
  • To maintain customer satisfaction at the highest level by providing high quality and safe products.
  • To work responsibly to ensure the health and safety of our customers, employees, visitors and subcontractors.
  • To create a supportive environment for employees, providing them with opportunities for training, development, innovation and advancement.
  • To use modern technologies in our factories and production processes, taking advantage of opportunities for increases in productivity.
  • To fulfill and comply with, to the best of our ability, the requirements of certified standards in the formulation, implementation and maintenance of Quality and Food Safety systems.
  • To respect, and remain conscious of, humanity, nature, environmental health and all living species in the production implementation process.
  • To establish and maintain our image as a leading company in the industry, providing “Highest Quality” products in both domestic and foreign markets.
  • To respect individuals and avoid discrimination,
  • To respect to the laws,
  • To respect local customs and traditions,
  • To respect freedom of opinion within the organization,
  • To provide employment and regular job opportunities,
  • To provide a fair wage and pay policy,
  • To comply with fair working hours,
  • To ensure the health and welfare of employees through occupational health and safety standards,
  • To provide legal employment,
  • To respect the rights of unions and collective bargaining agreements,
  • To respect the environment,
  • To act with just and fair competition.

Certifications We Hold


Arbella holds quality certifications and food safety certifications from accredited certifying bodies, including ISO 9001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 HACCP, BRC, IFS, as well as KOSHER and HALAL certifications.

Download Our Logo


Arbella’s logo may be used for journalistic and documentation purposes. Our logo, terms of use and usage guidelines may be found in the link below.


Information about our company may be found in the link below.